Thursday, 27 December 2012

How to Use Keywords Effectively

Well, one of the most important elements of Seo field is the effective use of keywords. Many webmasters ignore this tactic and then try to find out the reason why the sites are not ranking well on Google or the other search engines. You should use your SEO knowledge keywords wisely and keep the important words in the title tag and the heading tag. The points below would help you in understanding the areas where you should focus upon in maximizing your chances of good keyword exposure. 
You should use your selected keywords on the title tag, Meta description tag and the Meta keyword tag. This is the most important thing to consider while creating web pages. Having your keywords in these meta tags maximizes your chances of ranking and it also becomes easier for the user to locate your website or web page. Remember title tag and description tag are being used by the search engines in their SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages) and therefore choose them wisely.
Warning- DO NOT STUFF KEYWORDS (One general point which I must cover is that please do not stuff keywords in your webpages. Write pages for your audience and not for the search engines. Remember the lesson is to use keywords and not overuse them.
You should use your main keywords on the H1 tag of your page. You may also use the bold tags as the search engine’s gives more weight to the words which are present on the H1 tag or the bold or emphasis tag.
I would not suggest you to use keywords in your alt tags but would definitely suggest you to provide related alt tags to images. For example, if you are having an image related to Joker then you must describe the alt tag as “Joker” and not “Jo12”, “J1”,”45s” or some other useless names. Having alt tags in the web pages adds to the usage of proper keywords on the page and ultimately your webpage becomes a relevant page in the eyes of search engines.
Warning: - Do not overuse keywords on alt tags but choose it wisely.
This is an important point and you must not miss this. You should use keywords in the anchor text while linking to that web page. For example if your web page is about a Joker then you must use the anchor text “Joker” while linking to the web page.
Warning- Do not repeat the use of Anchor Text but use variations whenever possible or you might get penalized for this.
If you are using synonyms of the main targeted keyword on the web page then there is a greater possibility that the search engines might rate your web page more relevant to that keyword. The point to note is that – A quality and relevant article automatically contains some synonyms and you do not have to force synonyms into it. But if you still do not have synonyms in your web page then do get some.
Warning- Overuse of synonyms and spammy article written only for the search engines might get your website penalized. Always keep the audience in mind and add quality stuff to your article, I am sure, synonyms will automatically follow.
I hope you must have understood the real use of the keywords in your web page’s content. My personal advice would be to do proper research on the topic on which you are going to write an article and then make it quality, include some stuff that are not written elsewhere, include some stuff that would be useful for the audience, have some references if you think its necessary, use proper (not spammy) title and meta tags. Provide alt tags if you are having images and remember to keep the anchor text clean.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Avoid Black Hat Seo Technique

  1. Hidden text – Create modern CSS based websites with JQuery effects. They often hide large portions of text in layers to display them on click or mouse over for usability reasons. Example: CSS pagination.

  1. IP delivery – Offer the proper localized content to those coming from a country specific IP address. Offer the user a choice though. does a great job here.
  2. 301 redirects – Redirect outdated pages to the newer versions or your homepage. When moving to a new domain use them of course as well.
  3. Throw Away Domains – Create exact match micro sites for short term popular keywords and abandon them when the trend subsides. Something like
  4. Cloaking – Hide the heavy Flash animations from Google, show the text-only version optimized for accessibility and findability.
  5. Paid links – Donate for charity, software developers etc. Many of them display links to those who donate.
  6. Keyword stuffing – Tags and folksonomy. Keyword stuff but adding several tags or let your users do the dirty work via UGC tagging (folksonomy) every major social site does that.
  7. Automatically generated keyword pages – Some shopping search engines create pages from each Google search query and assign the appropriate products to each query. You can do that as well if you have enough content.
  8. Mispsellings – Define, correct the misspelled term and/or redirect to the correct version.
  9. Scraping – Create mirrors for popular sites. Offer them to the respective webmasters. Most will be glad to pay less.
  10. Ad only pages – Create all page ads (interstitials) and show them before users see content like many old media do.
  11. Blog spam – Don’t spam yourself! Get spammed! Install a WordPress blog without Akismet spam protection. Then create a few posts about Mesothelioma for example, a very profitable keyword. Then let spammers comment spam it or even add posts (via TDO Mini Forms). Last but not least parse the comments for your keyword and outgoing links. If they contain the keyword publish them and remove the outgoing links of course. Bot user generated content so to say.
  12. Duplicate content on multiple domains – Offer your content under a creative Commons License with attribution.
  13. Domain grabbing – Buy old authority domains that failed and revive them instead of putting them on sale.
  14. Fake news – Create real news on official looking sites for real events. You can even do it in print. Works great for all kinds of activism related topics.
  15. Link farm – Create a legit blog network of flagship seo blogs. A full time pro blogger can manage 3 to 5 high quality blogs by her or himself.
  16. New exploits – Find them and report them, blog about them. You break story and thus you get all the attention and links. Dave Naylor is excellent at it.
  17. Brand jacking – Write a bad review for a brand that has disappointed you or destroys the planet or set up a brand x sucks page and let consumers voice their concerns.
  18. Rogue bots – Spider websites and make their webmasters aware of broken links and other issues. Some people may be thankful enough to link to you.
  19. Hidden affiliate links – In fact hiding affiliate links is good for usability and can be even more ethical than showing them. is far worse than than just Also unsuspecting Web users will copy your ad to forums etc. which might break their TOS. The only thing you have to do is disclose the affiliate as such. I prefer to use [ad] (on Twitter for example) or [partner-link] elsewhere. This way you can strip the annoying “ref” ids and achieve full disclosure at the same time.
  20. Doorway pages – Effectively doorway pages could also be called landing pages. The only difference is that doorway pages are worthless crap while landing pages are streamlined to suffice on their own. Common for both is that they are highly optimized for organic search traffic. So instead of making your doorway pages just a place to get skipped optimize them as landing pages and make the users convert right there.
  21. Multiple subdomains – Multiple subdomains for one domain can serve an ethical purpose. Just think or – they create multiple subdomains by UGC. This way they can rank several times for a query. You can offer subdomains to your users as well.
  22. Twitter automation – There is nothing wrong with Twitter automation as long as you don’t overdo it. Scheduling and repeating tweets, even automatically tweeting RSS feeds from your or other blogs is perfectly OK as long as the Twitter account has a real person attending it who tweets “manually” as well. Bot accounts can be ethical as well in case they are useful no only for yourself. A bot collecting news about Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake would be perfectly legit if you ask me.
  23. Deceptive headlines – Tabloids use them all the time, black hat SEO also do. There are ethical use cases for deceptive headlines though. Satire is one of course and humor simply as well. For instance I could end this list with 24 items and declare this post to a list of 30 items anyways. That would be a good laugh. I’ve done that in the past but in a more humorous post.
  24. Google Bowling – The bad thing about Google bowling is that you hurt sites you don’t like. You could reverse that: Reverse Google bowling would mean that you push sites of competitors you like to make those you dislike disappear below. In a way we do that all the time linking out to the competition, the good guys of SEO who then outrank the ugly sites we like a lot less.
  25. Invisible links – You’d never used invisible links on your sites did you? You liar! You have. Most free web counters and statistic tools use them. Statcounter is a good example. So when you embed them on your site you use invisible links.
  26. Different content for search engines than users – Do you use WordPress? Then you have the nofollow attribute added to your comment links. this way the search engine gets different content than the user. He sees and clicks a link. A search bot sees a no trespass sign instead. In white hat SEO it’s often called PageRank sculpting. Most social media add ons do that by default.
  27. Hacking sites – While crackers hack sites security experts warn site owners that they vulnerabilities. Both discover the same issues. Recently I got an email by someone who warned me to update my WordPress installation. That was a grand idea I thought.
  28. Slander linkbait – Pulling a Calacanis like “SEO is bullshit” is quite common these days. Why don’t do it the other way around? The anti SEO thing doesn’t work that good anymore unless you are as famous as Robert Scoble. In contrast a post dealing with “100 Reasons to Love SEO Experts” might strike a chord by now.
  29. Map spam – Instead of faking multiple addresses all over the place just to appear on Google Maps and Local why don’t you simply create an affiliate network of real life small business owners with shops and offices who, for a small amount of money, are your representatives there? All they need to do is to collect your mail from Google and potential clients.



Sunday, 16 December 2012

SEO Best Practices: On-Page SEO Checklist

SEO Best Practices: On-Page SEO Checklist 


1. Title Tags

This is one of the most important on-page SEO fields related factors. The title tag tells search engines what the page is about and that the page on your website is relevant for that keyword or keyword phrase. Title tags should be unique for every page. In search results, search engines will highlight your keyword phrases if a user has searched for those terms. This increases visibility and click-through rate.

Best Practices:

  • Your title tag should be written like this: Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name
  • Use a dash in between your keyword phrases and a pipe at the end before your brand name
  • Avoid duplicate title tags
  • Keep title tags at 66 characters or less in length, including spaces

2. Meta (Page) Descriptions

Meta descriptions, while not as important in search engine rankings, are extremely important in getting users to click through from the search engine results page (SERP) to your website. Meta descriptions should use keywords wisely, but more importantly they should include a compelling description on which a user would want to click on. Much like title tags, the SERPs will highlight keywords that the user searched for, increasing the likelihood of the user clicking through to your website.

Best Practices:
  • Write compelling meta descriptions
  • 150 to 160 characters is the recommended length
  • Avoid duplicate meta descriptions
  • Do not use quotes or any non-alpha characters (Google, cuts them out of the meta description)
Example of meta descriptions in search engine results:

3. Content with Targeted Keyword Phrases

Your content is the meat and potatoes of your website. With the latest Google Panda updates, it is extremely important that your content is unique and relevant. If you have multiple pages with the same content (or if you have your content on other people’s websites), you will run the risk of getting penalized by Google and your search rankings will suffer. We want to keep Google happy, so keep your content unique.
Best Practices:
  • Create content that is extremely relevant for that keyword phrase
  • Use your keyword phrase 4 times within your content
  • Use multiple variations of that keyword phrase – singular and plural versions, abbreviations, acronyms (SEO vs. search engine optimization) and synonyms
  • Include links from other pages within your website that point back to this page (see internal page linking below)
  • Create unique content for every medium (press releases, blogs, guest blog posts, etc…). If you send out a press release, do not copy and paste that press release onto your website. If it gets picked up in multiple publications, the search engines will see that you have duplicate content and penalize you for it.

4. Header Tags and Keyword Phrases

A header tag, also known as an H1 tag, is much like the subject line of your web page. You should only use your keyword phrase once in the H1 tag. This should be included on a page to which you are trying to drive unique traffic to. You can also use H2 tags (second header) if there are multiple sections.
Best Practices:
  • Use your keyword phrase once in your H1 tag
  • Use H1 tags on pages you are trying to drive unique traffic to (SEO page)
  • Use H2 tags if there are multiple sections

5. Internal Page Linking with Anchor Text

Internal linking refers to a link on a page that points to another page on the same website. Internal linking is important because it helps strengthen those keywords internally for those pages, it allows users (and search engine robots) to navigate through the website, and it tells the search engines that the page is relevant for that keyword phrase.
Best Practices:
  • When linking to another page on the same site from within content, select good anchor text (keywords) to use in the actual link and do this often. For example: “We offer a wide range of web design services,” rather than “Click here for our services.”
  • In the above example, you would link “web design services” to your web design services page instead of linking “click here.”

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

SEO Task List

 SEO Task List
  1. Setup Google Analytics
  2. Setup Google Webmaster Central
  3. Record BackLinks as per SEO_Report.xls (details of this report format available on request)
  4. Setup Word Press Blog in the website
  5. Optimize the title, header tags & put about 2.5K articles of content, 500- 1K to begin with, each comprising of 500 – 1k words at least. The article should be written as per the SEO norms specified here: 
  6. Collect keywords from Google
    (make them H1 – H4 tags & place on top area of the pages)
  7. Record & Monitor Search Engine Rankings (SERPs)
  8. Optimize Titles using keywords from Google
  9. Setup RSS Feeds (automatic in WordPress)
  10. Setup a Forum in the website using WP
  11. Setup Twitter a/c
  12. Setup Facebook a/c, App etc.
  13. Setup MySpace a/c, profile etc.
  14. Setup YouTube profile.
  15. Send a Press Release
  16. Test content in CopyScape
  17. Setup one Official Auxilliary Blog
  18. Setup Groups in Google
  19. Setup Groups in Yahoo
  20. Setup Groups in FaceBook
  21. Setup Groups wherever you can
  22. Setup Blog Farms
    1. (one new to be setup every week with new Gmail a/c, CLEAR COOKIES)
  23. Submit to top 100+ Social Sites manually.
  24. Submit your website to directories
  25. Pligg Real Hard
  26. Submit Articles
  27. Drop links in Forums
  28. Drop links in Blog Comments
  29. Post & Drop links in classifieds aggressively
  30. Facebook marketing Campaigns
  31. Craigslist
  32. Setup domain & sub-domain based slave websites.
  33. Optimize the Speed of website
  34. Create a SiteMap of the website in HTML
  35. Send me a Thank You EMail :-)

Sunday, 9 December 2012

SEO Ideas

Sample Ideas - all explained with TODO lists, grading charts, and lists of free Internet resources!
  • Newsjack - Identify trending topics and blog about them.
  • Free SEO Webinars - Attend a free SEO event.
  • Local Reviews - Ask for reviews on Google+ Local, Yelp, etc..
  • Webmaster Tools - Set up Webmaster tools in Google and Bing.
  • Google Analytics Learning - Watch informative Google videos on how to use Analytics.
  • Tweet URL's - Identify top Twitterers and get them to tweet your URL's.
  • Google SEO Guide - Download and read the official Google guide to SEO.
  • Learn from Google - Identify and use official Google learning SEO resources.
  • Blog Commenting - Identify blogs in your keyword communities and participate through comments.
  • Google Easter Eggs - Discover the humorous side of Google.
  • Google+ Local - Find and/or claim your free, official Google+ local listing.
  • Local SEO - Cross-reference local listings and your website, consistently.
  • Authorship on Google - Set up a Google+ personal page and create authorship for your website or blog.
  • SERP Rank - Check your search engine results page (SERP) rank across target keywords.
  • YouTube SEO - Create a YouTube channel and SEO optimize your YouTube content.
  • Social Media Profiles - Create social media channels and backlink to your website.
  • Guest Blog - Identify bloggers in your keyword community and solicit guest blogging opportunities.
  • Home Page SEO - Use your home page as the premier SEO gateway to your website.
  • Link Sculpt - Link sculpt your home page and your entire website for keyword optimization.
  • Freshness First - Freshen your home page and site with blog posts, news releases, and new content.
  • Build an Email List - Leverage the power of email marketing by building a list.
  • Naming Conventions - Name your page URL's, directories, and graphics after your target keywords.
  • Keyword Discovery - Use free keyword tools to identify and prioritize your SEO keywords.
  • Local Citations - Claim your local listings and solicit local citations.
  • Google Analytics - Set up and utilize Google's free Google Analytics platform.
  • Link Metrics - Measure your PageRank via Google and surrogate metric services.
  • Build Links - "Ask for the ""easy"" links from ecosystem partners."
  • Link Bait - Brainstorm link bait opportunities like infographics or widgets.
  • Sitemaps - Create HTML and XML sitemaps to make your site search engine friendly.
  • Image Optimization - Optimize your use of images for effective SEO.
  • Landing Pages - Create effective landing pages that follow the CEA model.
  • Google Alerts - Set up Google email alerts to monitor your reputation and keywords.
  • Real World Promotion - Don't forget to promote your website via real world tactics.
  • Reverse Engineer Links - Use free tools to reverse engineer competitors' link strategies.
  • TITLE Tag Audit - Audit your TITLE tags for SEO keywords and optimize where necessary.
  • META DESCRIPTION Tag Audit - Audit your META DESCRIPTION tags for SEO keywords and optimize where necessary.
  • META KEYWORDS Tag Audit - Educate your staff on how the META KEYWORDS tag does not matter.
  • SEO Content - Write keyword heavy, well structured SEO-friendly content.
  • Speed Check - Check your website's speed in Google Webmaster tools and Analytics
  • Email Signatures - Use employee email signatures to promote your website, contests, or offers.
  • Mobile SEO - Get ready for the mobile SEO revolution!
  • News Releases - Use free and paid news release services for buzz, social mentions, and links.
  • Website Goals - Identify business goals and then website goals in Google Analytics
  • Referrer Websites - Discover referrer websites in Google Analytics and nurture your relationships.
  • Advanced Segments - Set up SEO and non-branded custom SEO segments in Google Analytics.
  • SEO Keywords - Identify your top SEO keywords in Google Analytics and search for opportunities.
  • Google Reader - Set up Google Reader and subscribe to the top SEO blogs.
  • Blog Tagging - Use blog tags as in WordPress to communicate to readers and Google your blog's themes.
  • Google +1 Badge - Set up the +1 Button and Badge for your website.
  • Article Marketing - Contribute to article marketing sites (within reason).
  • Company Paragraph - Write a keyword heavy footer for each page of your website.
  • Google+ Company Page - Set up a Google+ company page and start Google+'ing.
  • Blog, blog, blog - Create SEO-friendly blog posts, frequently.
  • SEO Books - Stay abreast of SEO books via searches.
  • SEO Trade Shows - Follow and attend the major SEO industry trade shows.
  • Identify Bloggers - Find bloggers who want to blog about your products or services.
  • Local Listings - Claim your free business listings on Yelp, Citysearch and other local   sites.                                                                                                                           

Friday, 7 December 2012

Free SEO Tools

Free SEO Tools

Welcome to our free SEO tools. There are several SEO tools below that can help you to better optimize your websites for search engines, and also help you learn more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you find any problems or have any questions about the tools please feel free to contact us using the link above.

Shows you which of your twitter friends don't follow you, and also shows your twitter fans (people who follow you, that you don't follow).

On-Page SEO Tools

Use these tools to help you analyze on page SEO factors and out rank your competition.

Web Page SEO Optimizer

Use this tool to compare on page SEO factors for two pages, including keyword density, keyword counts, text similarity, etc. It's a great tool for optimizing keywords on a page.

keyword difficulty toolKeyword Difficulty Check

Takes any keyword/ keyword phrase and returns a nice meter to show how difficult it is to rank well for that keyword.

Google Tools

Google is by far the most popular search engine, so it's important to pay attention to how you rank there. These tools deal more with off page SEO.

Pagerank Tools

pagerank checkFake PageRank Detection / Pagerank Checker

This is one of our most popular SEO tools. Input any domain name and this special pagerank calculator not only outputs a PR value, it also verifys whether or not the Pagerank is being faked or artificially generated.

Google HistoryGoogle Updates

Google Update History
This isn’t really a tool, but a calender style chart of all Google Pagerank and Backlink updates since January 2005. The page also shows the number of days since the last update.

Link Tools

Links are a very important factor for SEO. The link tools can help you to understand how many links your site has from other sites.

Backlinks Analyzer tool

Want to have a list of all of the websites that link to a particular website? This extremly handy tool does just that. It also gives links to other interesting information about each site on the list and allows you to export the data in spreadsheet (CSV) format.

HTTP Tools

HTTP Headers and Status Check Tool

Check all HTTP headers and HTTP Status response for any url or web site address. An easy way to see if pages are using 301 or 302 redirects.

DNS Tools

Reverse IP/ Domain Search
Takes a domain name and returns its IP address, along with a list of other domain names that are hosted on that same IP address.

Domain Age Check
Age is a very important factor when it comes to ranking potential. This tool gives the age of entered domain names.

“What’s My IP Address?”

Find out the IP address that you are browsing from.

Ad sense Tools

Adsense Profit Calculator

Enter your page impressions, click thru ratio, and cost per click to calculate your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly Adsense profits.


Alexa Rank Comparison
Enter up to 10 web site addresses and get a line graph comparing the Alexa rank of the entered sites. A fun tool.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

SEO Glossary

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It describes a series of techniques which improve the visibility of a website in search engine result pages. The goal of such optimization is to rank as highly as possible for a certain search query. Naturally, this is easier said than done…

SEO Glossary:

In the following articles we’ll be using certain SEO-fields related keywords. Knowing the meaning behind these terms can be useful for newcomers. Below you’ll find an alphabetical list of terms we’ll be frequently using.
  • CMS: Content management system, for example WordPress or Drupal.
  • CTR: Click-through rate, the percentage of users that click on a link.
  • GYM: Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, owners of the biggest three search engines.
  • Link juice: Link quality that is transferred between sites/pages.
  • Long tail: More specific keywords, e.g. “navigation bar photoshop tutorial”
  • META tags: Code in the head-section of a website that is used on search engine result pages.
  • Organic traffic: Traffic that comes from search engines.
  • PR: PageRank, a measure for the link popularity of a website.
  • SEO: Search engine optimization. Techniques that are used to make your website rank more highly.
  • SERP: Search engine results page. The page with the most relevant web pages for your query.
  • Spider: A bot that is used by search engines to crawl and index websites.
  • Stuffing: Using the same keyword too often on the same page.
  • UGC: User generated content, a great way to add unique content to a page.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

SEO On page and Off page Tips

Means: Use your keywords in starting of Title tag and Meta tags,
because Google crawls 65-70 character in title and 150-155 characters for descriptions.
For Example:
Title: Spa Packages – Spa Packages Firm, Tour Operator or Consultants

Meta Description: We Spa Packages experts provide you……………………… up to 150 char.
Keywords: “seo fields,Seo careers,seo courses, seo blogs …. Up to 500 char max.

2. Keyword Density (Should be 4-5%)
Please note or implement your keyword inside the content like that the density of the keywords not exceeds 4-5% according to total words on your page.

Example: if you have 100 words content on the page then your keyword must present within the content 4-5 times exactly.

3. Use H1, H2, H3, tags inside the page. (it’s better if you use keyword in h1 tag but density should not be exceed)

4. Use content in tags always.

5. Use alt tags for each images on the page (try to implement your keywords in alt tags) Example: Home Page Logo you can use alt like “spa packages logo”

6. If possible try to do interlinking with maximum pages inside your site for the keyword “Spa packages”.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization (SMO) or Social SEO is the methodization of social media activity with the intent of attracting unique visitors to website content. SMO is one of two online methods of website optimization; the other method is  SEO.

There are two categories of SMO/Social SEO methods:

(a) Social media features added to the content itself, including: RSS feeds, social news and sharing buttons, user rating and polling tools, and incorporating third-party community functionalities like images and videos

(b) Promotional activities in social media aside from the content being promoted, including: blogging, commenting on other blogs, participating in discussion groups, and posting status updates on social networking profiles

Social Media Optimization is related to search engine marketing, but differs in several ways, primarily the focus on driving traffic from sources other than search engines, though improved search ranking is also a benefit of successful SMO.

Social Media Optimization is in many ways connected as a technique to viral marketing where word of mouth is created not through friends or family but through the use of networking in social bookmarking, video and photo sharing websites. In a similar way the engagement with blogs achieves the same by sharing content through the use of RSS in the blogosphere and special blog search engines.

Social Media Optimization is considered an integral part of an online reputation management (ORM) or Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) strategy for organizations or individuals who care about their online presence.

Social Media Optimization (SMO), is not limited to marketing and brand building. Increasingly smart businesses are integrating social media participation as part of their knowledge management strategy (ie. product/service development, recruiting, employee engagement and turnover, brand building, customer satisfaction and relations, business development and more). Additionally, Social Media Optimization is oftentimes implemented to foster a community of the associated site, allowing for a healthy business to consumer relationship.

According to search engine expert Danny Sullivan[1], the term "social media optimization" was first used and described by Rohit Bhargava. Bhargava's original five rules for conducting social media optimization are:[2]
  1. Increase your linkability
  2. Make tagging and bookmarking easy
  3. Reward inbound links
  4. Help your content travel
  5. Encourage the mashup
  6. Get communities connected
Several authors added new rules to the original post. Today there are 16 rules, which were translated into French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Hebrew and recently also in Thai.
Four years after the initial post, Rohit Bhargava posted an updated set of five new rules. 
  1. Create shareable content
  2. Make sharing easy
  3. Reward engagement
  4. Proactively share content
  5. Encourage the mashup
Around the same time, entrepreneur and blogger Ben Elowitz proposed as SMO as a broader set of online marketing strategies for all published websites in an era where social platforms are ubiquitous.